Sunday, November 9, 2014

Iran as an Irrational Actor

            There have been a variety of ideas about the future of the Middle East with a nuclear Iran.  This religiously motivated state has proven to be a state sponsor of terror, has ties to a variety of people in terror groups and has alienated them from the west while aligning themselves with the axis of evil.  Today, we realize that they may be building a nuclear bomb, which would completely change the layout of the world.  However, just because we have the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, or MAD, doesn’t mean we can allow irrational leaders to gain nuclear weapons.
            Iran is a scary country.  Their leaders have supported so many dangerous groups of people, such as Hezbollah, Hamas and Al Qaeda.  Their blatant sponsorship of terrorism leads us to believe that they are not afraid of supporting their own political causes, no matter how much western countries pressure them to do so.  The U.S. and the EU have levied a number of sanctions aimed at hitting the Iranian economy.  The goal of these sanctions is to cripple the economy so much that the rational thinking of the government leaders will shepherd them to allowing international oversight committees access to their plants, and hopefully the cancelation of their nuclear program, with the sanctions being released in return.  However, despite the serious harm western sanctions have done to the Iranian economy, they still have not changed their nuclear program, until very recently.  This shows that the government and leaders of Iran truly are irrational, since they are pursuing a goal that has little return for them at the expense of their economy and country. 

            Since we have established the fact that we can classify Iran as being irrational, we can further apply that to their use of weapons.  Someone who is irrational with weapons will do things such as the tragedies of Newton, 9/11, Aurora, Colorado, Columbine and Virginia Tech.  These people will perform an act that kills other people while having the belief/understanding that they will not survive after the event.  This concept can be applied to the leaders of Iran.  They will not hesitate to commit their crime with the intention of not living to see the consequence.  Similar to everybody who commits some form of terrorism or mass murder, they do so with this acceptance of fate in mind.  Since we have proven that the leaders of Iran are irrational, and they are irrational with the use of weapons, we can further infer that they will use a nuclear weapon if given the chance to do so.   Despite the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, Iran has continued to build their nuclear weapons program despite strong pressure from the international community.  Iran would have no incentive to go through the long and strenuous process of building a nuclear bomb, while enduring the sanctions from the west if they had no intention of using the weapon in the first place. 


  1. I agree with the prospect of a nuclear Iran being scary and unfortunate. And your analysis on Iranian leadership seems pretty legit, however, there is evidence to the contrary. Recent actions by the new Iranian president has shown rationality in their hope to end some economic sanctions on their country, by giving more information to their Nuclear program and claiming to want to limit that program to only civilian electrical power usage. However, this could also be seen as an attempt to fool western powers that are desperate for political victories internationally.
    As well, the power and prominence of the Israel Military, coupled with their fierce nuclear arsenal, I am sure plays a big role in the mind set of the Mullahs in Iran. Fueled by anti-Semitism, and radical religious beliefs, they feel extremely threatened by Israel. As much as their military and nuclear capabilities are vital for their protection they also create a power struggle in the Middle East. The prospect of a Nuclear Iran may stabilize some of the fears in Iranian leadership or probably more likely empower them to be more aggressive. More insight to the mindset of those in true power of the Iranian government is desperately needed to be able to better predict the outcome and therefore work to mitigate conflict in the region.

  2. Iran is an irrational country and them having access to nuclear weapons is a situation that should be monitored by the United States and other countries. While having nuclear weapons gives states the option to use them, it never really is a viable option. It is incredibly difficult to get countries to dismantle their nuclear weapons even if numerous sanctions are placed on that country. In an ideal world no country would have nuclear weapons. It is difficult to completely stop a country from using nuclear weapons but nations should continue to pressure countries like Iran to get rid of their nuclear weapons.

  3. I completely agree with your take on Iran. They have proven irrational in many instances and rationality is needed when handling weaponry. I believe that in the many instances that Iran has proven to be irrational, it definitely further emphasizes their disregard to the international community. I find it very disgusting that they continue to build and upgrade their weaponry, because as you said they wouldn't build these weapons of mass destruction if they didn't plan on using them eventually. I agree with Stephanie and believe Iran should be monitored by the US and other international countries.
